Professional Profile

I am Fritzie and this is my first semester in Australian Catholic University as a Master of Teaching (Primary) student . I had a Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Child Development degree from the University of the Philippines-Diliman.

Two months before I graduate from my past university I was offered a job to teach in a pre-school. I actually taught there for a year until I pursued a career as a flight attendant. I had the desire to travel and passion for new places and cultures so, I gave it a go. I worked as a Cabin Crew for 2 years and was promoted to being an On-Board-Services Supervisor, which, I also worked for another two years. Despite the good compensation, perks and travel opportunities,  I felt that there was something missing and  I kept on thinking what that missing piece was. I completely filled the puzzle when one day during one of my vacations, I picked up my 5-year old son in his school. I observed the class, observed the Teacher, observed my son and saw his happiness while playing with his classmates. I saw the fulfillment the Teacher had while helping the children. I remembered my previous profession and how I loved teaching. I decided then and there that I will continue on teaching. The passion is back, will keep it burning.

In this generation, the methods for teaching and student learning are way different from what I experienced as a teacher as well as a student. In order to pass information to the children, I, as a teacher should find ways to connect with the students and get them interested in new things and new ideas. At this stage, I should be able to use technology in a way that will foster learning, develop skills and confidence for a maximum learning experience. A good teacher should be able to provide a safe and secure learning environment for her students. I would like it someday to see my future students, to be able to cope and successfully contribute within their community and critically assess the environment they are in, above all, live the life with enthusiasm for learning.

I will continue to learn the best way to teach and pass all that learning to my future students. Yes, that is why I am back in school.